Spicy vegetarian stir fry
An easy anti-inflammatory meal with prebiotic fibre from leeks and onions which acts as food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
Leek chicken stir fry
A quick and easy anti-inflammatory meal for lunch or dinner. Leeks, onions and garlic contain prebiotic fibre, which acts as food for the beneficial bacteria in the gut. This fibre can help to promote the growth of good bacteria and improve gut health. Ingredients Instructions
Breakfast oatmeal parfait
An easy-to-make hearty breakfast that is packed with gut-friendly prebiotics and antioxidants.
Bloat to Bliss: how to improve gut health during perimenopause
Having a healthy gut biodiversity is vital for feeling good during menopause. Gut health is often overlooked, but vital to managing menopause symptoms.
Menopause transition: Ultimate guide to empowering your well-being
Are you in menopause transition? Discover nine approaches to empowering yourself and protecting your health and well-being.