multi coloured probiotic capsules
Photo by Nastya Dulhiier on Unsplash

With over 500 researched probiotic strains for gut health, what do you look for when choosing a probiotic? What catches your eye? Is it the number of CFUs, the variety of probiotic strains, or perhaps the number of review stars?

So, tell me, what’s on your probiotic wishlist? It’s impossible to put all these strains into a single supplement. So, let’s unravel some common probiotic strains for gut health and find the ultimate probiotic superhero for your health goals.

Probiotic StrainPotential Benefits
1Lactobacillus acidophilus One of the most common types of probiotics you find in fermented foods, yogurt, and supplements. It’s known for its ability to resist stomach acid and bile salts. It may help to improve lactose intolerance, promote a healthy balance of intestinal flora and enhance immunity
2Lactobacillus caseiA versatile probiotic that helps to prevent or treat diarrhea and maintain digestive wellness.
3Lactobacillus rhamnosusCan help break down food, absorb nutrients, and support the immune system to keep your body’s defence in top shape.
4Lactobacillus plantarum With its robust nature, it helps fortify the gut lining and intestinal microflora. Studies show its potential benefits for treating IBS, and C. difficile infection
5Lactobacillus paracasei May support digestive health by promoting the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, maintain a healthy gut microbiota, and supporting regular bowel movements. Some research suggests its potential benefits in promoting oral health, skin health and antioxidant activity.
6Lactobacillus brevis One of the most common types of probiotics you find in fermented foods, yogurt, and supplements. It’s known for its ability to resist stomach acid and bile salts. It may help to improve lactose intolerance promote a healthy balance of intestinal flora and enhance immunity
7Lactobacillus bulgaricus maintaining a healthy gut microbiota and promoting digestive wellness.
8Streptococcus thermophilus May assist in lactose digestion and promote healthy gut flora.
9Bifidobacterium bifidumSupports a healthy immune system and helps maintain intestinal balance.
10Bifidobacterium lactis A probiotic used for constipation in adults. Promotes digestive comfort and may support a healthy inflammatory response.
11B. Breve Known for its ability to support a healthy immune system and promote gastrointestinal health
12B. Longum****May help maintain a healthy gut barrier function and regulate the gut microflora and immune system.
13B.Coagulans Known for its ability to survive harsh stomach acid and support digestive health.
14B. Infantis Supports infant health and may help ease symptoms of digestive discomfort.
15L. Bulgaricus Help maintain a healthy gut microbiota and promote digestive wellness.
16B. Garsseri May support vaginal health and help maintain a healthy balance of microflora.
17L. Fermentum Known for its potential to support immune function and overall gut health
18L. Reuteri Supports gastrointestinal health and may help balance gut flora.
19Saccharomyces BoulardiiIt is a beneficial yeast (not a bacterium like most probiotics), and studies show its potential to help symptoms of diarrhea, particularly those caused by antibiotic use or certain infections.
Probiotic strains and potential benefits

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